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Icann revisa términos de registro de dominios presionado por el público

Icann revisa términos de registro de dominios presionado por el público

Parece que las quejas y comentarios del público en el foro de Icann dieron resultado, pues este organismo comunicó ayer que va a renegociar los términos del incremento de precios de los dominios .biz, .info y .org, y parece que van a ser de un 10% como sería con los .net y .com. De todos modos, todo está aún por revisar y la segunda semana de noviembre el foro de Icann recibirá comentarios del público sobre el tema del incremento de precios y otros como detalles de datos de tráfico y de los datos que se podrán publicar en el whois de cada uno de estos dominios.

On 18 October 2006, ICANN's Board adopted the following resolution concerning the proposed .BIZ, .INFO and .ORG registry agreements that had been posted for public comment on 28 July 2006:

Resolved (06.__), after having considered the public comments and the responses from the registries, the President and the General Counsel are hereby requested to renegotiate the proposed agreements relating to: competition-related concerns (in particular price increase restrictions); traffic data and review mechanisms resulting from the introduction of new studies or additional information.

Below are links to the revised proposed registry agreements. The "clean" version shows the proposed new language, and the "redlined" version is marked to show the specific revisions from the version first posted on the ICANN website on 27 June 2006. The key changes to the document include a new restriction on the use of "traffic data" in the context of the operation of .BIZ, .INFO and .ORG as "thick" registries (meaning they publish additional registrant- supplied contact details in their public WHOIS services), and the acceptance of a 10% cap on price increases along the lines of the .NET and proposed .COM registry agreements. ICANN invites comments on these proposed revised agreements through 9 November 2006. ICANN's Board is scheduled to consider the proposed revisions and any public comments at its meeting on 14 November 2006.

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